Saturday, February 04, 2006

Glorious Reflectors

Journal Entry

Between Jacksonville and Chicago

June 16th (STP/flight home)

As I am thousands of feet in the air, I am looking out my tiny window toward the ground at all of God’s creation below me. It’s about 6:20 in the evening and the sun is very bright. As I look down, I can see a hint of movement which is cars on the highway below me. I keep watching them as they move like tiny ants on the ground, and when the sun hits them just right it reflects back up to me in the plain and that tiny, almost unperceivable car becomes a point of light resembling a star in the sky. I see this and the theme verse from STP comes to mind (2 Chronicles 16:9a) which says “For the eyes of the Lord range [search] throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” There are billions of little tiny ants (people) moving around in His great creation, tiny ants that are almost unperceivable. That’s what God is moving his eyes over looking to and fro for someone to strengthen. BILLIONS! I’m not saying that’s too big for God; I’m just saying it sounds like a daunting task. So, if you were looking at billions of… anything, trying to find a few that you would like to help or do something with, you wouldn’t just pick at random would you? No, you would watch for something to catch your eye. If we get in God’s light and position our hearts to align with His, than we will reflect His glory right back to Him, catching his ever watchful eye. We will become a light in darkness like a star in the night sky. We will reflect God’s light back to God, showing Him that we are able to reflect His glory. So seeking to strengthen us, he gives us more facets with which to reflect His glory not only back to him but to the world around us as well. The more brightly we shine (reflect) the greater capacity God will give us to shine. But it all starts with a simple reflection, or recognition of God’s glory and grace, that’s it. It all starts with a simple glimmer in God’s eye. Where is your mirror pointed; will God find you?

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